Step by step guide to Arduino

1. Learn the basics of electronics and computer science

Electronics basics learn till 1 to 28 -

Computer science just for understanding how computers work  -

2. Learn Arduino and C programming -

Learn and understand and also do homework and projects.

Arduino kit -

Arduino kit that is cheap , this kit is that I used when I was

learning   -

But you will need some more things that are not in the kits like -

motors , servo motors , IR sensor , 16 x 2 display etc ..

IR sensor -

servo motors -

16 x 2 display -

IR Receiver Module kit -

Bluetooth module -

3. Do more projects

Think about projects ideas that are useful  to you and others .

When you make - Do it yourself , Do not do it by seeing YouTube videos

because there will be videos of the idea that you were thinking.

but do it yourself that is the way of learning cool new stuff.

Also when you do the projects if you do not know how to use a module or a sensor you can use YouTube to see that how to use that module , but do not search how to do that project.

4 Learn complete C programming

Learn C programming after building a Arduino project only , because doing is the best way of learning.

After the project you can start learning C programming ,when you learn do not just copy the code write the code by your self by understanding. 

After learning C programming make your Arduino code that you have made in the project more advanced programming using functions in the program.

Things need a laptop or PC , Arduino kit , and some compounds that are needed for your projects.

Have fun learning

Melvin Sajith 

twitter -

Robotics with Melvin -

Do as told in the guide or may have a lot of doubts when you learn Arduino the basics of computer science and electronics is important so learn it first if you have any doubts while learning , ask me or ask in the group.

Ask in this group because there a lot of people learning from this guide , they had  doubts while learning so I solved a lot of doubts so they my help you first -

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